
Kuna - Enhancing Quality of Life in Saudi Arabia

Kuna is committed to improving life quality in Saudi Arabia through sustainable and high-quality investments in real estate, contracting, and investment sectors.

Kuna: Enhancing Quality of Life in Saudi Arabia


Kuna is dedicated to improving the quality of life in Saudi Arabia through sustainable, high-quality investments in real estate, contracting, and investment sectors. With a focus on transparency, credibility, and compliance with global and Saudi standards, Kuna collaborates with companies and investors to build residential and commercial units that meet the highest quality standards.


  • Sustainable Development: Ensure all projects adhere to sustainability principles, contributing to long-term environmental and economic benefits.
  • Quality Assurance: Maintain high-quality standards in all ventures, from planning to execution, ensuring client satisfaction and market competitiveness.
  • Innovative Solutions: Foster innovation in project design and implementation, staying ahead in the industry with cutting-edge solutions.
  • Community Enhancement: Positively impact the local communities by developing projects that enhance living standards and create vibrant urban environments.


Home Page

The home page features a clear and intuitive navigation menu, a captivating video banner that encapsulates Kuna's mission and vision, and a featured clients section showcasing logos of esteemed clients to build trust and credibility. It also includes a concise company brief, direct links to detailed pages about Kuna's subsidiaries, case studies highlighting successful projects, and calls to action (CTA) to encourage visitors to explore Kuna’s services and get in touch. The footer provides essential links and contact information.

About Page

The about page offers easy access to different sections through a navigation menu. It includes a static image banner representing Kuna’s ethos, a detailed company story, clearly defined mission, vision, and core values, positive testimonials from clients and partners, and an introduction to key team members. The page also features a CTA inviting visitors to connect and learn more about Kuna and a footer with important links and contact details.

Services (Companies) Page

The services page provides organized and user-friendly navigation with a static image banner relevant to the services offered. It includes a detailed description of each service provided by Kuna’s subsidiaries, highlights the unique benefits of choosing Kuna’s services, showcases real-life examples of successful projects, and features a CTA encouraging visitors to inquire about services. The footer includes necessary links and information.

Case Studies Page

The case studies page offers easy access to a collection of case studies displayed in a grid layout, sorted from newest to oldest. It includes a CTA inviting visitors to learn more and engage with Kuna and a footer with essential links and contact information.

Journal Page

The journal page allows navigation through the latest news and updates with entries displayed in a grid format, sorted by date. It features a CTA encouraging readers to stay informed and connected, and a footer with important links and contact details.

Case Study Detail Page

The case study detail page includes easy navigation, an eye-catching banner image with a marketing title, a brief overview, an optional YouTube video, multiple related images, and a CTA inviting readers to engage further. The footer includes essential links and contact information.

Contact Us Page

The contact us page offers a navigation menu for accessing the contact form and other sections. The simple and user-friendly contact form includes fields for the visitor's name, email, phone number, and a checkbox-style service selection with a static option for "Other". It also features a submit button and a footer with important links and contact details.

Content Management System (CMS) Features

The CMS allows HR managers or project managers to easily add and manage client testimonials, company details, journal entries, case studies, team member information, and desired outcomes or goals. It supports multilingual content in both English and Arabic, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for diverse audiences. Users can upload images, set alt text, specify service categories, organize entries, and manage SEO settings to optimize online visibility. The CMS streamlines the process of updating and maintaining content, ensuring that the website remains current and reflective of Kuna’s ongoing projects and achievements.

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