
WhiteSpace - Redefining Interior Design Online

Experience the seamless fusion of modern luxury and innovative design as I bring White Space's vision to life, crafting a captivating digital journey that redefines interior design online

WhiteSpace: Redefining Interior Design Online


Experience the seamless fusion of modern luxury and innovative design as I bring White Space's vision to life online. Working as the lead developer at Konh Studio, I collaborated directly with White Space, a renowned interior design firm based in Saudi Arabia. Our mission was clear: to create a website that not only reflected White Space's commitment to modern luxury and innovative design but also captivated visitors from the moment they landed on the site.


  • Personalized Brand Representation: My goal was to infuse every aspect of the website with White Space's brand identity, ensuring a cohesive and immersive experience for visitors.
  • Immersive User Experience: I aimed to craft an intuitive and engaging user experience that seamlessly guided visitors through White Space's portfolio and services.
  • Showcasing Expertise: With meticulous attention to detail, I wanted to highlight White Space's expertise in space planning and modern living, elevating their portfolio to showcase their unique style and creativity.
  • Direct Client Interaction: I implemented clear calls-to-action and user-friendly contact forms to facilitate direct communication between White Space and potential clients, fostering meaningful connections.



  • I orchestrated an engaging video banner that captured the essence of White Space's design philosophy, setting the tone for the entire website.
  • The Featured Clients section, curated with precision, showcased logos of esteemed clients, instilling trust and credibility from the outset.

About Page:

  • I meticulously crafted the Company Story section, weaving together White Space's journey and commitment to excellence in a narrative that resonated with visitors.
  • The Mission, Vision & Values section, envisioned to align with White Space's core principles, established a strong foundation for their brand identity.

Services Page:

  • I structured the Services page to offer a comprehensive overview of White Space's offerings, ensuring intuitive navigation for visitors.
  • The Benefits section highlighted the unique value proposition of White Space's services, enticing potential clients to explore further.

Case Studies:

  • I spearheaded the creation of a dedicated Case Studies section, allowing visitors to delve deep into White Space's portfolio, showcasing their expertise through rich media content and detailed descriptions.
  • The Case Study Page, meticulously designed, featured captivating multimedia content and clear calls-to-action, driving engagement and conversions.

Materials Page:

  • I curated the Materials page with precision, presenting a grid layout of innovative materials used in White Space projects, underscoring their commitment to quality and innovation.

Contact Us:

  • I implemented a user-friendly contact form, enabling seamless communication between White Space and potential clients, while the checkbox-style services selection streamlined inquiries for personalized responses.


Through my collaboration with White Space, Konh Studio has delivered a website that not only showcases their expertise but also reflects their brand story and values in every aspect. My dedication to excellence and creativity has transformed White Space's digital presence into a captivating journey of modern luxury and creative design solutions.

Additional Resources

  • Arabic View: Access the Arabic Version of the Website.